mercredi 3 juin 2009

This is a blog candy offered by Bev on her blog here is the link:

Thanks Bev for this really generous blog candy

mardi 12 mai 2009

Candy Candy Candy

I fond an other interresting one

From this blog:

Blog Candy again

Yes an other blog candy

This time from this site:

Blog Candy Nice one


Here is an other blog candy from

Here is the picture of the blog candy

lundi 27 avril 2009

And an other one

Again I found this nice blog candy from this site:
Here is the picture
Here is an other nice blog candy from

Blog Candy Blog Candy Blog Candy

Blog Candy

An other blog Candy this time from Fiona. Her blog is gorgous so take a look
Here is the picture of the blog Candy she offer

New blog Candy


I have browsed some people's blog and I found many blog Candy so here is the ones I found this morning

From Tracy here is the blog link and the blog candy

dimanche 26 avril 2009

Writing language

Hi everyone/Bonjour à toutes

Le message en français suivra celui en anglais

I have decided for the future to post my postings in English. As my first language is French I apologize in advance for the bad English writing but I believe people will understand what I want to say.

I am in ,y debut of posting my card making work so you will see a lot of changes in the next days and week. Hope you will enjoy browsing through my blog.

mardi 21 avril 2009

Encore un autre blog candy

Un autre généreuse personne qui nous offre un blog candy regarder ces choses c'est super beau:

Ciao! è arriverderci!

Un autre blog candy

Bonjour à toutes

Voici un autre blog candy généreusement offert par : Debbie Doncaster. Voici son blog

Elle fait de très belles choses. C'est à visiter

A la prochaine

jeudi 16 avril 2009

Bonjour voici un nouveau blog que j'ai découvert. l'artiste fait de bien belle choses. Cette dernière organise un Blog Candy que l'on peut gagner en laissant un commentaire dans son blog

Voici le Blog Candy:

Et voici le lien sur le blog:

Sur ce passez une belle journée